There is a mysterious world.

A labyrinth that invites you to wander and awakens your nostalgia.

In this universe with immersive movie sets, imagination leads to inspiration and to the encounter with the other. The unknown. Time stands still between the past and the future, at that moment when the impossible becomes possible.

Le comptoir général présente – EN

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Our agenda

Cet été, laissez-vous enivrer par l'esprit d'Ernest Hemingway au Comptoir Général. Imprégnez-vous de la magie de Cuba, où l'écrivain goûtait aux rhums et aux daïquiris tout en explorant les mers et puisant son inspiration.

This summer, let yourself be enchanted by the spirit of Ernest Hemingway at Comptoir Général. Immerse yourself in the magic of Cuba, where the writer enjoyed rums and daiquiris while exploring the seas and finding inspiration.